Welcome to Liberate.FHE!
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Liberate.FHE is an open-source Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) library for bridging the gap between theory and practice with a focus on performance and accuracy.
Liberate.FHE is designed to be user-friendly while delivering robust performance, high accuracy, and a comprehensive suite of convenient APIs for developing real-world privacy-preserving applications.
Liberate.FHE is a pure Python and CUDA implementation of FHE. So, Liberate.FHE supports multi-GPU operations natively.
The main idea behind the design decisions is that non-cryptographers can use the library; it should be easily hackable and integrated with more extensive software frameworks.
Additionally, several design decisions were made to maximize the usability of the developed software:
Make the number of dependencies minimal.
Make the library easy to understand and modify.
Set the usage of multiple GPUs as the default.
Make the resulting library easily integrated with the pre-existing software, especially Artificial Intelligence (AI) related ones.
Anyone can easily start to use Liberate.FHE by following Quick Start after installing the library via Installation.
Key Features
RNS-CKKS scheme is supported.
Python is natively supported.
Multiple GPU acceleration is supported.
Multiparty FHE is supported.
Features in Delivery
CKKS bootstrapping
Liberate.FHE CPU version
IND-CPA-D Security for CKKS
Source Codes
Liberate.FHE is available under the BSD 3-Clause Clear license. If you have any questions, please contact us at contact@desilo.ai.
Support forum: TBD
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